An introduction to a drysuit

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An introduction to a drysuit

A drysuit can really make or break your experience of winter watersports.

Whether you’re dinghy sailing, kayaking or kitesurfing, this is a piece of kit that will determine how long you can stay on the water for when temperatures are low.

The important thing to remember about a drysuit, is that its primary function is to keep you dry (the clue is in the name), but not necessarily warm. Of course, by keeping all that cold water out you will be warmer on the water, and this waterproof shell will also provide protection from windchill as well. However, layering up correctly under your drysuit is essential.

Typically, drysuits will be used in the UK from September through to April. This will vary across Europe or wherever else you might be heading out on the water – if you're in Scandinavia, chances are you'll be needing a drysuit all year round.

When you’re buying a drysuit, there’s a few things you need to consider. A surface drysuit is perfect for sports such as dinghy sailing, kayaking, yachting, kitesurfing and jet skiing. If you’re planning to go diving, make sure you buy a suit designed specifically for diving, as you’ll need something a little more heavy duty.

Think about how much you'll be using your drysuit and for which sport and which conditions to work out which is best for you. For example, if you’re a watersports newbie, it's worth starting off with a more basic model that will have all of the essential features, but without breaking the bank. If you’re a die-hard enthusiast who'll be on the water every other day throughout the winter, then it’s well worth investing in a high-quality, durable suit that will cope with the worst of the elements.


An introduction to a drysuit

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